A few Posts ago, there was one titled 'So, you can't afford Auto Bat Call IDing software?'
Here is my version of a follow-up post. I'll call it:
'So, you CAN afford auto bat call ID software?' ...Which one should you get?
Where shall we begin? I'll give you a cliff notes version: Well, for starters - For those who aren't very familiar with computer software in general - I'd like to point out that bat call identification software is particularly difficult to produce well. There is a lot of work required, to make an effective product. The myriad of special algorithms required alone, can be overwhelming.
That is one reason why it's not easy to find a well-executed, robust, and easy-to-use package. Also, one of the reasons why it's never cheap! Here, we will cover the latest and greatest bat call ID software packages available today.
Each company producing Bat call analysis software has their own priorities, when it comes to which bats will be covered. In other words: Will the application focus primarily on bats from the USA? UK? Europe? There are several software packages that either:
So, I did a lot of reading (of existing documentation, etc.). After extensive, and concentrated study of: Documentation, case studies, research papers, and professional field reports, from all of the currently available Call ID software packages:
Listed below, in no particular order, are the two best software applications available today, for automatic ID of bat species:
It's as simple as that.
In addition, I have personally extensively tested, and reviewed each of these software packages (substantial testing, evaluation, and comparisons were made; before I reached my conclusion). The two-part review of BCID software can be seen here: Part 1, Part 2
My detailed review, of the current version of Kaleidoscope Pro is still in process, but will also be posted here soon. For now, I'll say that:
1. I've seen it routinely process almost 200 recordings in 12 seconds!
2. There are all kinds of wonderful features being implemented into the software, even as I type. Features, that I cannot share yet; but will be sure to impress!
Now, there is one more, which happens to be both excellent and free! The only drawback, is that American bat species are not covered (at this time).
Here is my version of a follow-up post. I'll call it:
'So, you CAN afford auto bat call ID software?' ...Which one should you get?
Where shall we begin? I'll give you a cliff notes version: Well, for starters - For those who aren't very familiar with computer software in general - I'd like to point out that bat call identification software is particularly difficult to produce well. There is a lot of work required, to make an effective product. The myriad of special algorithms required alone, can be overwhelming.
That is one reason why it's not easy to find a well-executed, robust, and easy-to-use package. Also, one of the reasons why it's never cheap! Here, we will cover the latest and greatest bat call ID software packages available today.
Each company producing Bat call analysis software has their own priorities, when it comes to which bats will be covered. In other words: Will the application focus primarily on bats from the USA? UK? Europe? There are several software packages that either:
- Handle both (i.e. USA and UK/Europe)
- Have one complete, and are working on adding bat species of the other (side of The Atlantic Ocean)
So, I did a lot of reading (of existing documentation, etc.). After extensive, and concentrated study of: Documentation, case studies, research papers, and professional field reports, from all of the currently available Call ID software packages:
Listed below, in no particular order, are the two best software applications available today, for automatic ID of bat species:
Kaleidoscope from Wildlife Acoustics
BCID from Bat Call Identification Inc.
It's as simple as that.
In addition, I have personally extensively tested, and reviewed each of these software packages (substantial testing, evaluation, and comparisons were made; before I reached my conclusion). The two-part review of BCID software can be seen here: Part 1, Part 2
My detailed review, of the current version of Kaleidoscope Pro is still in process, but will also be posted here soon. For now, I'll say that:
1. I've seen it routinely process almost 200 recordings in 12 seconds!
2. There are all kinds of wonderful features being implemented into the software, even as I type. Features, that I cannot share yet; but will be sure to impress!
Now, there is one more, which happens to be both excellent and free! The only drawback, is that American bat species are not covered (at this time).
It is BatExplorer from Elekon, AG. I am currently testing this package, and I find it to be absolutely wonderful (a review will also be posted here, in the near future).
Honorable Mention:
The following software applications do not offer automatic bat species identification, but they are very good at what they do. Which is to enable a user to view recorded ultrasounds.
In summary: If you intend on purchasing a software package, to automatically identify bat species from your ultrasound recordings - The only bat call ID packages that you should be considering, are: Kaleidoscope Pro, and BCID.
If you are using a Batlogger, from Elekon AG - Then, you only need to download and install the free BatExplorer software, and you're done.
If you are using a Batlogger, from Elekon AG - Then, you only need to download and install the free BatExplorer software, and you're done.
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