
#BatBoxBaton #batdetector 12 bit WAV 1st bat detector review 2014 256k sample rate Acounect Acoustic Bat ID software Acoustic Ecology Acoustic Ecology of European Bats Acoustic lure for bats All bat detectors American Bats AnaBat Anabat Express AnaBat SD2 AnaBat Walkabout AnaLookW Anemometer Animal Sound Labs Apodemus Apple iOS Apple iTunes AR125 Receiver AR125 ultrasonic receiver ArduBat Arduino Uno attract bats audio bat lure Auto bat call ID Avisoft Avisoft 116Hnm Avisoft Bioacoustics B.A.T. BAT Bat call analysis software bat call ID Bat Call Identification Inc. bat calling device Bat Chirper II bat detecting bat detecting hobby bat detecting in Winter bat detecting journal bat detector Bat detector comparison bat detector range tests bat detector review Bat Detector Review Blog bat detectors bat detectors 2014. bat detectors for sale bat detectors for the new year bat detectors on Ebay bat detectors to avoid Bat Handling Course BAT MiniMIC bat recording Bat Researcher Bat Sound Services BAT125 BatBox BatBox Baton BatBox Baton XD BatBox Ltd. Batcorder BatExplorer software Batlogger Batlogger A Batlogger C Batlogger M Batlogger M microphone Batlure BatNav Baton XD Baton XD Review bats 2013 bats in cold weather Bats in Kiel bats recorded in 2013 bats Summer 2013 Batscanner Batscanner Elekon Batscanner from Elekon Batscanner Stereo Batseeker 2 Batseeker1 BatSound Batsound software BatSound Touch software BatSound® Touch BCID best bat detector Best Bat Detectors best bat detectors of all time Binary Acoustic Technology Biotope brand-new bat detectors Brand-New Stereo Batscanner British Bat Calls calling bats Ciel Ciel CDB105 R2 Ciel CDB205 R2 Ciel CE50504 Ciel EaM Ciel X05 Series considering purchasing a bat detector Continuing Professional Development (CPD) D500X detectors to be listed on ebay UK DFD-1 DIY bat detector Dodotronic Dodotronic ultramic Dodotronic's Ultramic200K Echo Meter Touch electronic bat lure Elekon Elekon accessory Elekon AG Elekon Batscanner Elekon has recently released ver 1.8 Elekon's FG Black Microphone EM Touch EM Touch concerns Empfindlichkeiten Ergebnisprotokoll Fledermausdetektor FG mic Field Trip Fledermaus Fledermäuse Fledermäuse detektor Full review New Batlogger M Garmin GPS Gentlemen selling bat detectors good bat detector Good Bat Detector List GPS with AnaBat history Hoary Bat hobby how this blog came to be iAudioApps ID software identify bat calls independent review SM3BAT independent reviews iOS Jon Russ Journal kaleidoscope Pro Kaleidoscope software Latest BatExplorer software latest Batlogger M firmware Le Club Biotope Links low-cost TE LS-100 PCM LS-100 review Ltd. LunaBat® M500 USB Mic M500 USB Mic from Pettersson. metadata micro trio miniMIC Mixer New New bat detectors New Baton from BatBox New Batscanner New BatSeeker New BatSeeker 1 New BatSeeker 1. Ultrasonic FD detector New Batseeker 2 new book New Ciel Electronique CE 505 Trio Bat Detector new detector new EM Touch NEW EM3 From Wildlife Acoustics new FD detector 2014 New Firmware NEW From Wildlife Acoustics New SM3BAT new SMZC from Wildlife Acoustics New Song Meter Platform New Song Meter SM3BAT new Song Meter SM4BAT FS new Song Meter SM4BAT FS + ZC New SongMeter Platform Now available Olympus LS-100 Optional microphone for Batlogger Orthoptera Part 1.5 of 2 Peak times Peersonic Peersonic bat recorder Pettersson D1000X Pettersson D240X Pettersson D500X Pettersson Elektronik Pettersson Elektronik AB Pettersson M500 Pitch Powerkit Powerkit Batlure professional bat recorders Re-Visit Review rescued dog resources results of field trip Review AR125 Receiver Review SM3BAT Reviewed sample journal entry SCAN'R SCAN'R III SCAN'R Software Several mini-reviews Singing insects SM3 SM3 BIOS update SM3 Configurator SM4BAT FS small bat detector SMZC Songmeter SMZC SonoChiro Sonogram SoundChaser SoundChaser Discovery SoundChaser Expert SPECT'R SPECT'R III Spring Of 2013 statistics Stereo bat detecting StereoBatRecorder SW for EM Touch Tascam DR-08 temporary post The AnaBat Express The Bat License Training Course (BLTC) The BatLure The Batseeker1 The best bat detectors The D500X from Pettersson Elektronik The FG Black microphone The Griffin BatBox Ltd. The M500 Mic The M500 USB The MiniMIC The MiniMIC Ultrasonic Microphone The MiniMIC USB Microphone The New AnaBat Express The SM3BAT The SM4BAT The worlds most visited Bat Detector Review Blog The worlds most visited Bat Detector Review Page Titley Titley Scientific Tony Messina top-of-the-range top-secret bat detector tree bats Ultramic 250K Ultramic200K Ultramic250K Ultrasonic Device Ultrasonic FD detector ultrasonic lure UltraSoundgate un-biased reviews of bat detectors unattended bat recording upcoming bat detector Upcoming detector review Update post USB Ultrasonic Microphone USFWS USG 116Hnm Vleermuizen wildlife acoustics wildlife sound Wildwood Ecology Winter bat research WSRS X05 detector ZCAIM Interface

A Little Info About Me & How This Blog Came To Be

A little info and history of this blog...
It's been quite a few years now, some details are still hard to remember... But, it all started innocently enough...Years ago, I'd written some reviews for a bat detecting Web site in the UK. And then, another UK site asked if I'd write a review or two for their page... At some point, I learned of an interesting bat detector, from a small company in Italy called Dodotronic. It was called the Dodoultra. A somewhat odd name, for what appeared to be an otherwise capable system.
  • The detector remained relatively unknown.
  • It was never produced in any large numbers. 
  • Finally, production was stopped.
  • And that was the end of the Dodoultra.
I studied this scenario, and was saddened by it. For a host of reasons, as you can imagine - Not the least of which was: I never got a chance to buy one!
Basically, the Dodoultra (pictured below) never made it - It never had a chance, to at least be experienced, by bat detecting hobbyists at large.

I simply decided to make it my "mission" to not let this type of scenario play itself out again. I didn't want to learn of another company (regardless of size) having to go through this.
...All the work of designing and producing a bat detector, only to fail, due to a lack of exposure.

I started to get serious about writing reviews, and started my own blog. I never wanted to hear of another bat detector "falling through the cracks". So, I've been on "alert mode" ever since. I'm periodically searching the web, always looking for new bat detectors, bat detector companies, etc. Especially small operations in Europe, and other non-U.S. locations. I do everything I can, to ensure that new bat detecting products get some exposure.

I dedicate all of my free time (and any discretionary funds I have) to this blog. I must save and put aside (my own) money, to pay for the (expensive) shipping of the detectors, back to the manufacturer after the test & review.
Of course, I'm not begrudging any of this. It's a labor of love!

Because of my education, background and previous career(s): Reviewing ultrasonic devices such as bat detectors, just happened to be an excellent fit for me. I've never posted an 'About Me' section, because it would take up entirely too much space. Just to give you an idea, my resume is 3 pages in length. I'd never want to impose on any visitors with my background. Boring stuff, really. Since we're on the subject; suffice it to say, that:
I have an extensive background & experience with: Mechanics, Electronics, Sound / Radio waves, and Computers.

In regards to the way that I write my blog posts...
Many times, I have chosen to present posts in an informal manner, writing as if we were in the same room, carrying on a conversation. Of course, most of what is contained on this blog are my personal opinions, based on many years of my own experience and the shared knowledge of others. I am Friends with several Bat Workers and other Bat Research Professionals, and Authors of bat books. I only seek out the brightest minds that I can find, to glean what I can - to supplement my knowledge of these fascinating subjects.

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is not" - Bruce Lee

Happy bat detecting!

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